Regulatory Officer (since 2020) – Scientific Officer (2010 to 2019),
European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki.
A decade of experience in identifying chemicals,
evaluating hazards, and regulating risk.
Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford (2003 to 2009);
supervisor: Mark
S. P. Sansom. Two main projects
in computational biochemistry.
Master of Laws with Merit,
specializing in Public Law, University of London (2020); including
Postgraduate Diploma in Laws with Merit, specializing in European Law (2018).
Over 30 peer-reviewed publications in the scientific literature.
Richard Webster, Susan Maxwell, Hayley Spearman,
Kaihsu Tai, Oliver Beckstein,
Mark Sansom, David Beeson (2012)
A novel congenital myasthenic syndrome due to decreased
acetylcholine receptor ion-channel conductance. Brain
Kaihsu Tai, Phillip J. Stansfeld, Mark S. P. Sansom
(2009) Ion-blocking sites of the Kir2.1 channel revealed by
multiscale modeling. Biochemistry
Kaihsu Tai, Shozeb Haider, Alessandro Grottesi,
Mark S. P. Sansom (2009) Ion channel gates: comparative
analysis of energy barriers. Eur. Biophys.
J. 38:347–354.
Kaihsu Tai, Philip Fowler, Younes Mokrab, Phillip Stansfeld,
Mark S. P. Sansom (2008) Molecular modelling and simulation
studies of ion channel structures, dynamics and mechanisms.
Chapter 12 in
Methods in Nano Cell Biology, pages 233–265. Methods
in Cell Biology, volume 90. Bhanu P. Jena, editor.
San Diego: Academic Press. ISBN
Philip W. Fowler, Kaihsu Tai, Mark S. P. Sansom (2008)
The selectivity of K+ ion channels: testing the
hypotheses. Biophys. J.
Kaihsu Tai, Marc Baaden, Stuart Murdock, Bīng Wú, Muan
Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Richard Boardman, Hans Fangohr, Katherine
Cox, Jonathan W. Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom (2007) Three hydrolases
and a transferase: comparative analysis of active-site dynamics via
the BioSimGrid database. J. Mol.
Graph. Model. 25:896–902.
Stuart E. Murdock, Kaihsu Tai, Muan Hong Ng, Steven
Johnston, Bīng Wú, Hans Fangohr, Charles A. Laughton, Jonathan W.
Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom (2006) Quality assurance for biomolecular
simulations. J. Chem.
Theory Comput. 2:1477–1481.
Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Bīng Wú, Stuart E. Murdock,
Kaihsu Tai, Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Jonathan W.
Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom, Paul Jeffreys (2006) BioSimGrid:
grid-enabled biomolecular simulation data storage and analysis.
Future Gener. Comput.
Syst. 22:657–664.
Bīng Wú, Kaihsu Tai, Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston,
Stuart Murdock, Hans Fangohr, Mark S. P. Sansom, Jonathan
Essex, Paul Jeffreys, Simon Cox (2005) Towards a grid-enabled
biomolecular simulation database. In Proceedings of
UK e-Science
All Hands Meeting 2005, pages 577–580. Simon J.
Cox, David W. Walker, editors. Swindon: EPSRC.
Christopher J. Woods, Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Stuart
E. Murdock, Bīng Wú, Kaihsu Tai, Hans Fangohr, Paul
Jeffreys, Simon Cox, Jeremy G. Frey, Mark S. P. Sansom,
Jonathan W. Essex (2005) Grid computing and biomolecular
simulation. Phil.
Trans. Royal Soc. A 363:2017–2035.
Shiva Amiri, Kaihsu Tai, Oliver Beckstein, Philip C.
Biggin, Mark S. P. Sansom (2005) The α7 nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor: molecular modelling, electrostatics,
and energetics. Mol. Membr. Biol.
Andrew Hung, Kaihsu Tai, Mark Sansom (2005)
Molecular dynamics simulation of the M2 helices within the
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor transmembrane domain:
structure and collective motions. Biophys. J.
Oliver Beckstein, Kaihsu Tai, Mark S. P. Sansom
(2004) Not ions alone: barriers to ion permeation in nanopores
and channels. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 126:14694–14695.
Kaihsu Tai, Stuart Murdock, Bīng Wú, Muan Hong Ng,
Steven Johnston, Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Paul Jeffreys,
Jonathan W. Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom (2004) BioSimGrid: towards
a worldwide repository for biomolecular simulations. Org. Biomol.
Chem. 2:3219–3221.
Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Stuart Murdock, Bīng Wú,
Kaihsu Tai, Hans Fangohr, Simon Cox, Jonathan W. Essex,
Mark Sansom, Paul Jeffreys (2004) Efficient data storage and
analysis for generic biomolecular simulation data. In
Proceedings of UK e-Science
All Hands Meeting 2004, pages 443–450. Simon J.
Cox, editor. Swindon: EPSRC.
Bīng Wú, Matthew Dovey, Kaihsu Tai, Muan Hong Ng,
Stuart Murdock, Hans Fangohr, Steven Johnston, Paul Jeffreys,
Simon Cox, Jonathan W. Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom (2004) Security
and BioSimGrid: a biomolecular simulation database. In Proceedings
of the UK Workshop on Grid
Security Practice and Experience, pages
III-1–III-4. Department of Computer Science Technical
Report YCS-2004-380, University of York.
Jennifer M. Bùi, Kaihsu Tai, J. Andrew McCammon
(2004) Acetylcholinesterase: enhanced fluctuations and
alternative routes to the active site in the complex with
fasciculin-2. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 126:7198–7205.
Bīng Wú, Matthew Dovey, Muan Hong Ng, Kaihsu Tai,
Stuart Murdock, Hans Fangohr, Steven Johnston, Paul Jeffreys,
Simon Cox, Jonathan Essex and Mark S. P. Sansom (2004) A
web/grid portal implementation of BioSimGrid: a biomolecular
simulation database. J. Digit. Inf.
Manag. 2:74–78.
Bīng Wú, Kaihsu Tai, Stuart Murdock, Muan Hong Ng,
Steven Johnston, Hans Fangohr, Paul Jeffreys, Simon Cox,
Jonathan Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom (2003) BioSimGrid: a
distributed database for biomolecular simulations. In Proceedings
of UK e-Science All Hands
Meeting 2003, pages 412–419. Simon J. Cox,
editor. Swindon: EPSRC.
Jiànxīn Shī, Kaihsu Tai, J. Andrew McCammon, Palmer
Taylor, David A. Johnson (2003) Nanosecond dynamics of the
mouse acetylcholinesterase Cys69-Cys96 Omega loop. J. Biol. Chem.
Kaihsu Tai, Stephen D. Bond, Hugh R. MacMillan, Nathan Andrew Baker, Michael Jay
Holst, J. Andrew McCammon (2003) Finite element simulations of acetylcholine diffusion in
neuromuscular junctions. Biophys. J. 84:2234–2241.
Hugh R. MacMillan, Mike J. McConnell, Kaihsu Tai (2002) Biological system of
analysis of systems mathematics. In Proceedings of WSEAS Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2002,
pages 2801–2806. Athens: WSEAS Press. ISBN
Nathan Baker, Kaihsu Tai, Richard Henchman, David Sept, Adrian Elcock, Michael
Holst, J. Andrew McCammon (2002) Mathematics and molecular neurobiology. In Computational methods for macromolecules:
challenges and applications, pages 31–60. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and
Engineering, volume 24. Tamar Schlick, Hin Hark Gan, editors. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-43756-8.
Kaihsu Tai, Tóngyè Shěn, Richard H. Henchman, Yves
Bourne, Pascale Marchot, J. Andrew McCammon (2002) Mechanism of
acetylcholinesterase inhibition by fasciculin: a 5 ns molecular dynamics simulation. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 124:6153–6161.
Richard H. Henchman, Kaihsu Tai, Tóngyè Shěn, J.
Andrew McCammon (2002) Properties of water molecules in the
active site gorge of acetylcholinesterase from computer
simulation. Biophys. J. 82:2671–2682.
Tóngyè Shěn, Kaihsu Tai, Richard Henchman, J. Andrew
McCammon (2002) Molecular dynamics of acetylcholinesterase.
Acc. Chem. Res.
Kaihsu Tai, Tóngyè Shěn, Ulf Börjesson, Marios
Philippopoulos, J. Andrew McCammon (2001) Analysis of a
10 ns molecular dynamics
simulation of mouse acetylcholinesterase. Biophys. J. 81:715–724.
T.Y. Shen, Kaihsu Tai, J. Andrew McCammon (2001)
Statistical analysis of the fractal gating motions of the
enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Phys. Rev. E 63:041902.
Opinions and projects
Some 50 published opinion pieces.
Kaihsu Tai (2025) Sinä kelpaat sellaisena kuin olet (You
are worthy just as you are). Kirkko ja kaupunki (4):23.
Kaihsu Tai, Tomasz Sobański, Tatiana Netzeva, Derek Knight (2016) New
approach methodologies in the regulatory context: impressions from the
2016 ECHA scientific workshop.
In Towards the replacement of in vivo repeated dose systemic toxicity, SEURAT-1 annual reports, volume 6, pages
46–53. Tilman Gocht, Michael Schwarz, editors. Paris: COACH Consortium. ISBN
Tè Khái-sū (2014) Modern drama ancient spin.
Times :8.
K Tai (2013)
Muslimeille samat kansalaisoikeudet
(Same civil rights for Muslims). Kirkko
ja kaupunki (31):24.
K Tai (2013)
Rakkaus hallitkoon ihmissuhteita
(May love rule human relations). Kirkko
ja kaupunki (24):16.
Kaihsu Tai (2013) Perustulo ei ole liian
radikaalia (Basic income is not too radical). Kirkko
ja kaupunki (9):24.
International Year of Chemistry Young Leaders Team:
Guillaume Baxter, Sacha Debleds, Jacqueline Dias, Lucie
Garreau-Iles, Nahrain Kamber, Parag Kulkarni, Laetitia Malphettes,
Hisham K. Mubarak, Jean-Etienne Poirrier, Albert Sugiharto,
Kaihsu Tai, Rui Vogt Alves da Cruz, Jìngyí Zhōng
(2012) A vision of chemistry for 2050. Chem. Int.
Kaihsu Tai, Andrew Basden (2007) The green philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. In
Proceedings of the Second Green Economics Conference: Exploring the complex mesh of social and
environmental justice, pages 196–199. Miriam Kennet, Volker Heinemann, editors. Reading:
Green Economics Institute. ISBN
Kaihsu Tai (2005) Toast to new citizens. Guardian
Lecture and practical
session on electrostatics calculations, Wellcome Trust and Systems Biology Doctoral
Training Centre postgraduate course on computational
biochemistry. University of Oxford (Michaelmas 2007,
Trinity 2009).
on electrostatics calculations, Wellcome Trust
postgraduate course on computational biochemistry. University of
Oxford (Trinity 2005, 2006, 2007).
Tutor, Biophysical chemistry. University of Oxford
(2004 to 2005).
Lecture, Bioinformatics and computational biochemistry.
University of Oxford (Michaelmas 2004).
Tutor, Mathematics for biochemists. University of
Oxford (Michaelmas 2003).
Teaching assistant, Modeling biological macromolecules.
University of California, San Diego (Spring 2000).
Teaching assistant, Physical chemistry. University of
California, San Diego (Winter 1999, Winter 2000).
Invited seminars at University of Notre Dame (2005);
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (2002);
Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
(2002); Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2001).
Informal academic visits to National Taiwan University and
National Cheng Kung University (2018),
University of Auckland (2008),
Stellenbosch University (2007), University College Dublin (2006),
University of Salford (2002).
Manuscript review:
Biophysical Chemistry,
Biophysical Journal,
European Biophysics Journal,
International Journal of Computational Methods,
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling,
Journal of Molecular Modeling,
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2001 to 2008).